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Hello from Belarus

 Moderowane przez: Góral, sebioza » Lada Klub Polska

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 2005-04-12 07:44:29

Ja tak ponjal, nikto tak i ne sobralsja? Nu ladno, mozhet v drugoj raz

Lada Club Belarus
 2005-03-30 14:28:06

Da, zhal'

Lada Club Belarus
 2005-03-28 22:21:55

O4en' mne zal no ja nie smogu prijexat na 100%. Problemy, problemy i jes4o raz problemy!!!
2020-08-18 11:28
 2005-03-22 08:01:48

Please, tell me if someone is going to visit us. Otherwise it will be impossible to help with night's lodging, food and journey.
Thank U in advance.
 2005-03-14 09:55:22

Nachalo meroprijatija 16-go chisla v 13-00 po minskomu vremeni, vse podrobnosti/voprosy:
 2005-03-11 22:51:43

Jesli kto to poedet s Polshi w Minsk to ja rechi net toze poedu.Tolko konkretno napishite gde che i kogda.
2011-03-04 21:14
 2005-03-11 10:56:38

Bidem rady videt'!
Dumaju skoro soobschu podrobnosti

Lada Club Belarus
 2005-03-10 14:34:00

Dobryj den'!
Mozet i mnie udasco prijexat,esli uspeju zdelat pasport to podklu4us k grupie,kotoraja budet jexat'!
Pozdrawlaju igiers!
2020-08-18 11:28
 2005-03-10 09:40:35

Poka na 100% skazat' ne mogu, no skoree vsego 17-go aprelja, pod Minskom, no vstrechaemsja v Minske.
 2005-03-10 09:00:00

kogda i gde budet proxodit baw clot? mozet priedu c muzem i poctaraec prigłocit esho neskolko czlenob klubu,kto smozet.udaczi.
2008-04-01 10:54
 2005-03-10 08:31:17

Galina, ja tak ponjal eto vy zvonily segodnja? Spasibo za interes. My mozhet escho obsudim s clubom mesto sleta, nash club escho ne ochen' bolshoj, i esli ot vas budet mnogo ludej, mozhno budet pod'ehat poblizhe k granice. Hotja pereezd ot granicy uzhe ne tak truden, po-moemu glavnoe granicu pereehat'. Prackicheski ves' club u nas v Minske, i u nas uzhe est' mysli po povodu mesta vstrechi pod Minskom. Ostavajtes' na svazi

 2005-03-10 07:39:36

priwet,a gdie xotite sdełat etot slet?esli blisko granicy to priedem k wam bez 604454203.Galina
2008-04-01 10:54
 2005-02-22 07:45:37

We will make some great event in april too, our club will celebrate it's second birthday. We don't have yet any ideas about program of event, but we will be glad to see representatives from other Lada Clubs
 2005-02-21 19:08:59

Hello CarManBy
Nice to see You here!
We don't have any information about LADA meeting in Kiev - but idea is very interesting!
In the summer ( august ) probably we will go to Hungary - for next LBK meeting.

Greetings for Memebers of the LADA CLUB BELARUS!!!

 2005-02-21 13:52:48

Now i'm in Minsk. Unfortunately I had an idea of meeting too late
When will be your big meeting in april? Ukrainian Lada club will make a great meeting in Kiev too, at summer. Are you going to be here?
 2005-02-19 10:52:39

Ok, i'll tell you next time. But please tell me if it would be possible to meet today or tonight. I have only SMS. Now i'm connected via WiFi, it would be unavailiable very soon.
 2005-02-19 10:42:01


There are a few members of LKP in Bialystok. Unfortunately, I guess it would be hard to arrange such a meeting so quickly - please let us know when you're going to visit our town again - it would be a great pleasure to meet you!

2023-10-13 09:47
 2005-02-19 10:30:07

Now it is about 15 members, we are now starting our "ruh". PLease post your suggestions in our forum, in order to see how many members can go to Poland. And, you know,we must have visa to travel to Poland
 2005-02-19 10:18:30

Hello nice to see you Haw many lada's is in the Belarus Club ? Maybe somebody from Belarus will go in april to poland ? W"ll have big meeting in LKP.If You want join us
2012-09-28 00:41
 2005-02-19 10:12:09

I'm from Lada Club Belarus and i'm now in Bialystok. Is there any members of Lada Club Polska? It would be nice to meet. I'm going home at sunday, so please contact me today by SMS to number +375297744867, if it is interesting for someone. Thanks in advance.
 » Lada Klub Polska

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