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Polonez - Strona 2

 Moderowane przez: Furiosus, fuso, mar125, rallyfilip » TheFiatAndTheFurious

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 2007-07-22 23:07:27

Thank you very much!
2012-01-29 13:46
 2007-07-28 04:35:40

Polmo, if timing (synchronous) belt are broken, the costs of rebuild this engine, in norway, may be higher than you pay to whole car. But, maybe you drove your fiat to our FSO meeting in this summer ? I'm sure, if you will be in poland, you can find a good engine and other parts in very cheap prices! And if you will be at our meeting, you can meet and known a lot of fso-crazy people, and you can drink with me a couple of beers

Best regards

Może i stary, ale za to brzydki.
2024-11-18 22:06
 2007-07-28 10:04:13

That sounds like fun! When are the next meeting? and where? Its not many Norwegians that have the same interest of FSO cars that I have.
And a couple of beers and some FSO talk sounds like a lot of fun!

[ wiadomość edytowana przez: polmo dnia 2007-07-28 10:04:53 ]
2012-01-29 13:46
 2007-07-30 12:46:55

2007-07-28 10:04:13, polmo pisze:
That sounds like fun! When are the next meeting? and where? Its not many Norwegians that have the same interest of FSO cars that I have. And a couple of beers and some FSO talk sounds like a lot of fun! [ wiadomość edytowana przez: polmo dnia 2007-07-28 10:04:53 ]

Greetings again, Polmo! It would be fantastic if you could come to Poland. The next big meet will be in 2 weeks (August 10-12) near Lodz. Hope to see you there!

FSOAK zlot w Tuszynie

2011-06-06 21:30
 2007-07-30 22:24:36

I'm terrible sorry, but I cant make it to that meeting. I'm starting on work august 13. But if I could get some information about later meetings, maybe I could get there
2012-01-29 13:46
 2008-01-29 15:32:10

2007-07-22 19:49:44, CarvMachine pisze:
Rear window - tylnia szyba Alsko ask the saeler if this windows have heating?? Rear window with heating - Ogrzewana tylnia szyba. And off course ask him if it is working [ wiadomość edytowana przez: CarvMachine dnia 2007-07-22 19:51:25 ]

tylna... analfabeto

"Nie sztuka jest zabić muche na przedniej szybie, ale sztuką jest zabić ją na bocznej..."
2024-06-03 17:03
 2008-01-29 15:33:26

2008-01-29 15:32:10, Rino125p pisze:
tylna... analfabeto

ty nekrofilu

2021-01-21 20:54
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