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Calipers Help

 Moderowane przez: Furiosus, fuso, mar125, rallyfilip » TheFiatAndTheFurious

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 2008-03-29 13:46:45

Well... I have a small thing .... a small help....


I tell, I have a pair of rear calipers from polonez, I buy it some time ago and will try to put it in my 125, it havent disk in the rear train, have drums and cilinders.

I make all the work... but.... brake fluid flow outside the calipers.

I need all rubers parts (included the hat where is protected the hand brake parts) and pistons for repair its and one other set for if sometime fails any parts.

Obviously I pay for it, not for free. If any body can help me I will be too happy and obviously if need any thing from Argentina tell me.

I need see my car with rear disk brakes!!

Thank to everybody who can help me!!


Member of the Argentinian FIAT 125 SPORTCLUB, lookin for 125´ fans all over the world!

Max Webber by JuanMa25® And son Leandro25®

[ wiadomość edytowana przez: MaxWebber dnia 2008-03-29 13:48:52 ]
2008-04-03 01:15
 2008-03-31 11:56:19

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2023-05-31 21:03 » TheFiatAndTheFurious

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