Aisan carburettor/gaznik:help for cinquecento ed

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They tell funny stories about cinquecento because the electronic aisan carburattor. They think of the car as "Herbie".
Now there are few cars on the road.Let's vave them from junk yard!
If there's someone knows how to resolve the problem of the carburettor......
Thanks in advance
Regulation or resolving problems (many problems) with Aisan "careburator" is not so easy as it seems.
Only one way to resolve the problem of the aisan careburator is to replace it by WEBER or polish FOS. There is a lot of that kind careburator on with the rest of parts You need to replace that shit (aisan is not careburator it is a shit).
Thanks a lot. This conversion is the best way:
A whole carburattor with the manifold.
Part by part.
The same + nanoplex 210
I'm tryng to do a sort of faq with all the information for a conversion(which nanoplex? ignition timimg at theidle,carburattor jets)
I read somehere to use a carb from maruti suzuki(maybe it was wrong),maybe there's a single mechanical aisan one. The problem could be avaiability. Then I looked for a daewwo tico carb but it' double and I don't know how it works(electronic or not). Have these cars plobems too? The question is: there's somethingh "plu&play" before weber fos?
There is no other "plug and play" option in CC...
Take the the careburator with nanoplex, nanoplex in aisan is different type.
I've done this (careburator replacement) once in my wife's car but now I'm thinking about 1.2 16v fiat engine...
That's the best way i think for that car to drive faster...

PS: Send me your e-mail adress. I've got two e-books about CC i think they should help You - they are in polish but there are some picytures

[ wiadomość edytowana przez: Furiosus dnia 2009-09-09 15:20:10 ]