Looking for "POSZERZENIA FIAT 126"

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I am building a Fiat 126 with a Yamaha R1 bike engine and i need to make it look like its fast to!

I wonder if anyone could help me find a maker or seller of "POSZERZENIA" to fiat 126?

I have found some on allegro.pl but the sellers wont answer me me, i guess they dont want to send them to sweden!

I am including a picture of the type of "POSZERZENIA" im looking for!

Other suggestions on "POSZERZENIA" is also welcome!

Regards Jon

Probably guy don't speak english

If you need help, I will help you in buying

I was organized for me and my friends buying and transport of 10 spoilers to Volvo 480 from UK to PL.

All buyers are happy

i bought them, and the seller is really a nub. i asked him few times, and lastely decided to buy it without any knowlege. What do u need to know about them,?
2009-12-31 16:37:16, Pat_kdb pisze:
i bought them, and the seller is really a nub. i asked him few times, and lastely decided to buy it without any knowlege. What do u need to know about them,?

Hi! what do you mean with "the seller is really a nub"?

I need to know what the bonnet and enginecover costs and if he could ship it to sweden! They are in fiberglass right?

Regards Jon