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Fiat126R1 sweden | 2010-02-01 14:01:40 Hi! I wonder if naca ducts are avaible in poland?
someones like this: |
Milten F&F MEMBER Fiat 126p Kraków | 2010-02-04 20:33:57 the link isn't acting |
jaqo F&F MEMBER 126elx + C classe Warszawa | 2010-02-08 18:22:44 i don't think so, UK would be a better place to look for it.
Bart128 F&F Sympatyk Solo italiana automo ... ...bili da Cracovia | 2010-02-08 19:16:38 they were avialable via as a fiberglass parts, but I do not know if they were aerodynamically correct, or just "looks like" naca duct.
----------------- sedicivalvole [ wiadomość edytowana przez: Bart128 dnia 2010-02-08 19:29:06 ] |