Help! What is this handle?

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Hello Polish friends! I have a Maluch in Norway

But i wonder, what is this handle, at the engine?

The heating in the car is not so good, can this handle help it?

Best regards
winter / summer switch ,do not open in norway
Shouldn't it be opened in winter and closed in summer? When it's closed you have a better colling - not good in winter.
So it should be open in the winter? I have drived with it closed

When i start the car and starts to drive, i have good heating, but after 5-10 kilometers the thermostat opens and the heating disappears
It should be opened in winter, it allows warm air from engine compartment to get into air filter, so it helps engine to warm faster.
MaluchPower at winter i closed the termostat and all the air going to inside maluch.
It's very hot at winter with this switch.